Factors That Influence Your Online Reputation

We often hear about the importance of online reputation. Businesses know how important online reputation is to business and the ability to grow. But, you might be wondering, what can influence your online reputation?

If you know what factors can alter your online reputation, you can work to manage them appropriately to protect your online presence. 

social media reviews
Social media plays a key part in business reputation.

Social Media

You cannot mention online presence without considering social media. Social media is one of the most effective ways for customers to communicate their feedback about businesses. 

Social media is a great way to promote your business. 79% of people use social media, so potentially an unsatisfied customer could use social media to write negative comments about your business. Social media is the electronic equivalent of word of mouth, although it won’t rank in search engines, the impact of conversation about a business can be impactful because potential customers could read the comments.

Search Engine Ranking 

Search engines are not only a way to find anything you’re looking for on the internet, but many people use them, so they can negatively or positively impact your online reputation. Positive reviews can help boost your reputation score and increase your traffic. The most popular search engines include Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., but others are developing. We can expect the list to grow in the future.

Reviews and Star Ratings

Lots of sites encourage customer reviews. Major sites like Amazon and Yelp are well-known for their ratings. The more positive reviews you have, the more likely new customers will choose you over your competition. 67% of customers rely on reviews for their purchase decisions. You must take the time to manage your reviews to protect your online presence.

The good news is there are numerous ways to ask for reviews and help improve your online reputation. Hop over to our previous article with suggestions on how to ask for reviews. 

Five-star reviews will uphold a business reputation and bring in more customers. 

How You Handle Reviews

Not only do reviews matter for your online reputation, but how you respond will make or break your online reputation.

People read reviews, and they read the company or business owner’s response to those reviews. Whether it’s positive or negative, how a company handles issues will impact potential customers. How you respond to reviews will show other customers how you will treat them during a business interaction.

This is why we recommend using reputation management software such as ReviewInc for professionals to handle customer reviews. 

Wikipedia Pages

Wikipedia is one of the top pages for search results, usually one of the first websites on the first page. Wikipedia is the 8th top visited site in the world. Most people recognize Wikipedia and use it for research. It’s not commonplace for small businesses, but they still exist. Larger companies and corporations can expect a Wikipedia page. These pages will document the background of the company and any notable awards, accolades, or controversies. 

Managing your online business can be challenging. As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate, but you cannot negate the importance of a good reputation score online. Utilizing reputation software allows you to monitor your online presence and resolve issues as they arise. 

As a business, your online reputation matters. If you manage it efficiently, your online presence can increase sales and help grow your business.