After a stint using the 30-point rating scale, the search engine seems to have returned to using the simpler version. Probably because customers are more familiar, and more comfortable, with ranking on a 5-star scale.
The folks at Google say the change is due to the fact that they want to make it “easier than ever to choose the right places to eat, drink, shop, and play.”
Now, users who opt in to the new Google Maps will be able to rate businesses on a scale of 1-5. Old rankings will be converted to the new system and changes will continue to be rolled out with new developments in Google+ Local, Google Maps for Mobile, and more are updated as well. Zagat reviews can still be found on Google.
Despite the change, Google states that the overall precision and level of comprehension that was present in the 30-point system will still be maintained, while the readability and usability of the rankings will be streamlined and improved. The goal of these changes is to make it even simpler for customers to discover, and leave, ratings and reviews, so that they can find the businesses, products, and services they’re looking for.
What does this mean for your business? With the new system, it will hopefully remove any of the excess hassle that stood between customer and ratings and reviews. Now, it will be even easier for businesses to collect even more rankings from satisfied customers on Google – meaning the potential for more stars, more real feedback, better rankings, and more business.