Business Ratings
Most online business ratings and reviews are made up of two components – the text of the review and the star rating assigned to the business.
Why Do Ratings Matter?
Many visitors only look at the rating, skipping the text of the review. By finding a way to manage company reviews, particularly your company’s star rating, you can enhance and protect your company’s brand and online reputation.

Reviews Equal Success
The vast majority of people who visit review sites are looking for a quick and easy way of assessing whether restaurants, stores, or other businesses will offer a quality experience. The star rating gives a quick visual method of making that assessment. According to a 2011 Harvard Business School study, there’s a strong link between star ratings and business success.
Reviews Can Make or Break Businesses
The study found that by increasing a business’s average rating by one star, sales were driven upward by five to nine percent. Businesses that are able to improve their company’s star rating substantially by several stars experienced huge spikes in sales, according to the study.
This study backs up what marketing professionals experience in their work – star ratings can make or break many businesses.

Reviews Give Credibility to Business Ratings
Over 90% of consumers read business ratings and reviews, making sense that they provide credibility and build trust in a brand. In today’s digital world, people often trust reviews as much or more than recommendations from family and friends.
Also, reviews are an invaluable source of feedback for businesses. There is no better way to learn how to improve than from reading reviews from customers.
Reviews are also very important for search engine optimization – when a business has a lot of positive reviews, it is more likely to rank higher. If a potential customer sees that a business has many positive reviews, they are more likely to work with the business.

ReviewInc Can Help!
For companies that wish to boost their company reputation and mitigate any bad ratings, ReviewInc has several tools that can help.
ReviewInc can manage company reviews to leverage positive customer experiences to promote positive exposure for your company. For example, using ReviewInc’s tools, when customers write an online review on your site, they’ll be asked to provide a star ranking. If the customer rates your business at four or five stars, he or she will be invited by ReviewInc to post their review to other sites. You can set up an instant alert for both negative and positive reviews.
Deal with Negative Reviews
This provides business owners with the opportunity to get in touch with a negative reviewer to work out a resolution to mitigate their poor experience and revise the review.
In addition to this service, ReviewInc supplies clients with e-mail reports concerning reviews, allowing business owners to track their facilities’ online business ratings better.
It also gives business owners and managers a better feel for the pulse of their business’s customer satisfaction efforts, allowing them to make quicker, more informed corrective actions if necessary.

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